freeCodeCamp for Free Software Development Training

Course duration:                       Highly variable
Number of hours training:       300 hours for each of the 7 modules
Cost:                                          Free
Possible careers:                      Software Developer, Software Engineer


If you are interested in pursuing a career in Software Engineering, then the freeCodeCamp is the free online resource available.

Although learning programming online is not easy, it is quite achievable, even for people who do not have any prior experience or any technical degree.

Here’s an inspiring story of a young lady from Cape Town South Africa who has recently received a job offer as a software engineer following her self-paced learning on freeCodeCamp.

Learning process

freeCodeCamp follows a progressive learning path, gradually building your skills from the foundations to more advanced concepts.

While you’re free to explore different sections, here’s the recommended order for optimal learning:

  1. Responsive Web Design Certification: This section covers the essentials of building stunning and responsive websites, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is a great starting point for any aspiring web developer.
  2. Front End Libraries Certification: After mastering the basics, you can delve into popular front-end libraries like React and Redux. These libraries enhance your ability to build dynamic and interactive web experiences.
  3. Back End Development Certification: This section takes you behind the scenes of websites, teaching you server-side languages like Python and Node.js, databases, and web APIs.
  4. Full Stack Development Projects: Once you’ve gained proficiency in both front-end and back-end development, you can tackle real-world projects to solidify your skills and build a portfolio.


  • Set realistic goals: Don’t aim for completion just for the sake of it. Focus on understanding the concepts and building your skills at your own pace.
  • Join the community: freeCodeCamp has a vibrant community of learners and mentors who can offer support and guidance. Participate in forums, attend workshops, and connect with other coders.
  • Practice consistently: The best way to learn is by doing. Make time for coding practice every day, even if it’s just for a short period.
  • Don’t get discouraged: Challenges are inevitable in any learning journey. Embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Pros and Cons

freeCodeCamp stands out as a unique and accessible option in the world of online coding education. Let’s explore the benefits and potential drawbacks to help you decide.


  • Completely free: Access all courses and certification paths without paying a dime, breaking down financial barriers to learning.
  • Comprehensive curriculum: Cover a wide range of in-demand skills, including front-end development, full-stack development, data visualization, and more.
  • Project-based learning: Gain hands-on experience by building real-world projects for your portfolio, and demonstrating your skills to potential employers.
  • Large and supportive community: Connect with fellow learners, mentors, and professionals through active forums and channels, fostering collaboration and support.
  • Self-paced and flexible: Learn at your own speed and schedule, fitting your studies around your life.
  • Non-profit organization: Support a mission-driven platform dedicated to making coding education accessible to all.


  • Limited instructor support: Rely primarily on self-study and community resources, potentially challenging for those needing more guidance.
  • Can be overwhelming for beginners: The vast curriculum might feel daunting for those with no coding experience.
  • Requires strong self-motivation: Succeeding in a self-paced environment demands discipline and commitment.
  • No formal accreditation: While freeCodeCamp’s certifications are recognized in the industry, they lack traditional accreditation from universities or professional bodies. However there are ways of testing skills during job interview processes
  • Focuses primarily on web development: The curriculum centers heavily on web-related skills, limiting exposure to other programming domains.


freeCodeCamp offers an incredible opportunity to learn valuable coding skills for free.

If you’re self-motivated, enjoy project-based learning, and thrive in online communities, freeCodeCamp could be an excellent choice.

If you require extensive instructor support or seek traditional accreditation, other options might be more suitable.

Success in coding requires consistent practice, dedication, and a willingness to learn continuously. freeCodeCamp provides the tools and resources, but your commitment fuels your progress.

Remember: Enjoy the process!

Learning to code can be challenging but also incredibly rewarding. Approach it with curiosity and enthusiasm, and you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve.

For even more information on the recommended order and pace of freeCodeCamp, check out their official blog post:

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